Along our journey we've met and connected with really great people who can dig what we're doing. Some truly excellent folks have even helped us along with our mission by either donating, buying merch, or by sharing our adventures with others.
This summer Climbing Magazine has even jumped on the Shred All Fear bandwagon! Whaaat? That's right! Page 20 in the August issue of Climbing Mag features an interview with your favorite interstellar rock stars; Brock & Rexxx! If you haven't already, pick yourself up a copy, take it to your favorite quiet safe place, and swoon over the fame and status of our rock star lives.
We asked our long time friends and media directors, Corbin Brady and Dakota Walz, to step in front of the cameras this time. We couldn't be more excited to have our scruffy faces in print. But what really tickles my white little hiney is that one of Corbin's photos made it in a global publication!
The only reason we asked Dakota to join was cause we felt bad asking Corbin but not him. Oh, and also because he happened to make his way into the September issue of Climbing Mag. You can read about him and our friends from Jeremy Collins Art, and MooreClimbing doing all kinds of sweet slimestone climbs beginning on page 56!
Who would have guessed that playing around in the dessert with your best friends and making a mess of things could be so rewarding?
Party Time Climbing Mag
Party Time Climbing Mag
-Rex "BonerJamz" McKenzie
Brock "Freedom Ain't Free" Steel